Love, Smiles & Joy! Our Miracle workers…

Lend A Heart is dedicated to making a difference in the diverse lives of individuals in our community. We welcome new volunteer teams and associate volunteers (without a pet).

Are you and your pet ready to take that plunge?

Can your pet adapt easily to stimuli in their surroundings without being overly aggressive, excited or shy?

Does your pet love people?

Basically, is your pet sweet, friendly, gentle, and obedient?

If YES to all of the above, then please keep reading!

Becoming an animal-assisted therapy team (handler and pet) requires time and commitment.  If you do not have as much time and without a pet, join us as an associate volunteer.

On the average, the time commitment is between 4 – 10 hrs/month.

• 1 – 2 hours each month to bathe and prepare your pet
• 2 hours each month to attend a minimum of TWO one-hour pet therapy programs. At least one of these visits must include assisted living, libraries, VA, or regular programs at schools.
• > commuting time to and from Lend A Heart programs
• 6 – 8 hours per year to attend Lend A Heart meetings, events & fundraising.
• attend our monthly meetings

With or without a pet, LAH needs member support, input, and feedback. Check here for details.

• attend general meetings
• volunteer to be on a committee
• participate in orientations and evaluations
• become a board member or an officer. Your voice is important!

If interested in joining  us as an Associate Volunteer (WITHOUT a pet), please click here to complete our online Associate Volunteer application.  DO NOT click here if you are applying with a pet.

PLEASE read on, if interested in applying as a team with a pet…under “How To Join”, Orientation you’ll find out our online Volunteer Application (part 1).

Now let’s consider the furry half of your team, your pet.

Does your pet have the correct temperament for animal assisted

Your pet needs to be calm, friendly, and interactive with clients, while NOT being interested in other therapy teams, during a visit.

Your pet….

• will calmly accept and enjoy petting from a diverse group of strangers (all ages). This trait is the FOUNDATION of a candidate for animal-assisted therapy.

• can be in the company of other animals and remain calm without becoming overly excited, fearful or aggressive. Lend A Heart therapy pets are NEUTRAL with other visiting teams.

• is comfortable in new environments and NOT overly reactive to unusual noises.

• cannot exhibit behavior that could give the appearance of aggression. This behavior includes barking uncontrollably, growling, lunging, a snap or bite. These behaviors are NOT acceptable in Lend A Heart.

Obedience is important and demonstrates that you and your dog work as a team. You MUST be aware of and in control of your dog at all times.

Your dog…

• listens to and obeys your commands of heel, sit, stay, down, and leave it (on a LOOSE leash), even when there are distractions.

• DOES NOT pull when walking on leash.

• DOES NOT jump on or lunge towards others (humans or other animals). These behaviors are NOT acceptable in Lend A Heart.

We want our volunteers and pets to feel comfortable at animal-assisted therapy programs. Lend A Heart membership requirements are designed to benefit the handler, the pet, and the facilities and clients we serve. The steps to joining Lend A Heart are:

1. MEET the Basic Criteria
3. ATTEND Park Roleplay/Orientation
4. PASS Evaluation
5. COMPLETE Probationary Membership

If you have the time, and you and your pet partner are ready, then click the button below. If you have additional questions, you may email us at

How To Join