Trainee Evaluation Period and Active Volunteer

  • This allows you to observe the dynamics of a group visit with several therapy pet teams interacting with clients.
  • Handlers must be able to multi-task…keeping their pet near them while being watchful of surroundings, encouraging conversation with client, encouraging client to interact with pet, be watchful of any potential stress that therapy pet might exhibit.
  • The handler must be their therapy pet’s advocate at all times!
  • This training period is a time for new LAH handlers to ask questions and learn by example.
  • Team Leaders will provide specific feedback and help ensure that LAH guidelines are followed.
  • Team Leaders and experienced members at LAH programs will assist you in developing and improving your animal-assisted therapy skills.
  • Get involved by attending general meetings and…
  • LAH Vice President and his/her designees will review your participation and make a determination as to whether you and your pet are ready to be an active LAH volunteer.
  • Some teams may need additional experience to reach the required active volunteer skill level.
  • As an active volunteer, you must complete a minimum of two team visits per month.
  • Get involved by participating in General meetings, Orientations, Evaluations and other events. You must contribute at least 4 hours per year.
  • You are always welcome to attend a Board Meeting to observe, and provide input/feedback.

Steps to Join (click on each link):

Click on each link to walk through the process to become a Lend A Heart volunteer.

Additional details are provided in the Lend A Heart Volunteer and Policy Guide.

Download Volunteer & Policy Guides